Thursday, January 09, 2020

Sugar Face

I love long rectangular shawls and decided to design one.   I call my best friend's daughter "Sugar Face" because she is the cutest girl in the entire world.  That fact is not up for debate.  This shawl is named for her. You can order the pattern to make this shawl from my Ravelry...

Monday, January 06, 2020

Drop Dead Red

I was sitting in Panera bread with my best friend having dinner, knitting, and checking Facebook, when one message caught my attention. It was a message from Dolores Van Hoofen's assistant, Franklin Habit, asking me if I would like to design a garment for Dolores. My heart started to pound...

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Hi everyone!  My knitting/crafting room is being featured on the Cut Out and Keep website.  Go take a look.   ...

Monday, December 03, 2018

...a lot like Christmas

It was supposed to be a quick operation, really.  I was supposed to choose ONE type of Christmas card to make to send to friends and family.  Choose a relatively simple design that was quick to make so that I could just quickly whip up a bunch of these suckers and be done with it.  But...

Monday, October 01, 2018


Click to Enlarge I've been sitting here, knitting on this light blue tank top as if I don't have that other project in the bag to finish.  Good old-fashioned neglect.  THAT project is a shawl.  “Haruni” to be exact.  And I’m really close to being done with it.  I was working...

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I saw this project to make a framed yarn ball on Pinterest one day: Let me tell you: I didn't choose this project, this project chose me. You see this, and you just need to have it in your life.  That's just the way the world works.  So, I accepted my fate and gathered the materials per...

Friday, August 05, 2016

Let's. Do. This.

Knit One, Crochet Too, Creme Brulee DK (Discontinued) This yarn sat in the "crafty stuff storage room", (otherwise know as "the room where I place things I don't want to deal with right now") for quite some time. I bravely ventured into that room a few days ago because I was searching my stash...

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Unemizo Capelet

I have a cousin who does not knit. Yet. But I am waiting for that glorious day when she asks me to teach her.  It will go something like this: Her: Will you tea- And, before she gets the rest of the question out of her mouth, I will snatch a set of knitting needles and a hank of yarn out of...

Monday, July 04, 2016

Andromeda II

Let me show you something. I finished a thing.  A shawl.  And here is a picture of it: Click the pictures to enlarge. My BFF, pretending to be one with nature.  She ain't. I love it.  I made this for a woman I know who loved my first shawl when she saw me wearing...

Friday, June 17, 2016


It's growing... Things are going slower than I wanted with this tank top, since I'm also working on a shawl with a deadline: I'm making another "Andromeda". I was just thinking that if you add the work I've done on the shawl to this tank, I'd probably be somewhere in the armhole area by now. ...

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Coffee and Donuts

Occasionally, I get this notion that I must see what new knitting related items the creative folks selling through Etsy have to offer. Yarn bowls and stitch markers are my usual targets. I try to look for unique things that I don't have, because what obsessed knitter do you know who doesn't have...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Thank you. ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This yarn is a delight to knit with, and I'm happy with the way this tank top is working up so far.  Click to Enlarge It's difficult to see the cable and lace pattern since the stitches are crowded on the needles (and the stitch will need to be blocked to see more detail), but you can see...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I had strict instructions; The BFF said that if I am going to design a tank top for her that the pattern must be able to be knit in the round because she "no likey" to seam.  EVER.  But I know that she is actually very good at it because I had her knit and seam one of my designs once and the...

Monday, May 16, 2016

Contest Winner

Caroline (Fiber Tribe) my dear, you have won the contest!  Send your mailing address to and I will send you the prizes. Congratulations!...